Enter the Pink Floyd Album, the Dark side of the Moon, and walk through a series of rooms built on artistic collaboration, meant to match the emotion and feeling of each song.
This collaborative project was the final from my Themed Entertainment Design class during my freshman year at the University of Southern California. Adopting the initial concept of a Dark Side of the Moon immersive experience from a different team, my team was tasked with adjusting it and fleshing it out into a blue sky pitch for our experience. We then had to pitch the project to industry professionals as part of our final.
When creating this project we wanted to focus on this notion of entering the music, or even becoming one with it. For this, we pulled heavily on the idea of synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon where stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in another. As someone who experiences synesthesia, and bonding with a couple of other teammates who think in this same way, we all listened to each song on the album and wrote down what color we associated with it, what sound, what texture, what smell, and more.
Combining our perspectives of each track, we built a creative bible to inform the design of each room. Another aspect we wanted to include in our experience was contemporary artists’ work in each of the rooms.
In doing so we aimed to create not only an immersive experience but a celebration of both art in various forms and shared human emotion.

My work on this project
Throughout this collaborative project, members of our team focused on different aspects. My roles were in creative direction and concept design. Below are my renderings for this project.